Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just my two cents!

Hmm.... i got a feedback from my previous entry. A good comment actually. So, i still have a whole semester to think before proceed with any decision. Maybe Mod B. Mod C???? Nak mati. Hanya orang-orang yang ada kekuatan tahap dewa saja yang buat. Macam adik aku. Heh, itulah, sapa suruh sambung belajar time dah tua-tua ni.

Ok, ok! Masih kisah master. Banyak jugak fresh graduates further master under skim rangsangan ekonomi kedua yang ditawarkan early march lalu. Diorang dapat like 10k for the whole course. Nasib baik IPTA. So yuran murahlah sikit.

My uni a bit generous. After registration, each one of us dapat bag laptop, Publication Manual on how to publish your journal and also 2Gb of thumbdrive or is it some sort of sweeets after we paid??


Our neighbourhood is no longer safe. Satu rumah was broken into a few days ago. Siang hari lagi pulak. My hubby being the last person to sleep always forgot to lock all the door. Ada satu hari tuh, kereta dia tak lock. Pintu pagar, pintu grill and pintu kayu pun dia tak kunci. Pintu dapur mulia sikit. Dia kunci. Tapi dia biarkan kunci kat pemegang pintu dengan tingkap kat sebelah pintu terbuka luas. Ohoho! aku rasa dia dah terlebih minum air yang banyak semut.

Setiap kali aku bising, dia duk usik aku balik. Katanya, kita kan dah buat pendinding sekeliling rumah macam yang mak ajar!!! Hangin je aku!

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