Monday, June 15, 2009

Doakan aku, ye!

Put on hold first about Indo trip because i've been busy doing things. Ahah! After such a long years, i'm back to uni again. Dah 9 tahun since i left my uni years, this coming saturday i'll be a student again. Oh, memacam perasaan bercampur-campur. Boleh ke aku belajar balik ni?

Aku register master on 20th June 2009. Doa, kan aku ye kawan-kawan. I have tonnes of papers to marks, piling of forms to be filled, faxing answering form, photostating things, etc.... and works that never ends.


Yours truly said...

wah you sambung masters apa erni? all the best to you! mmg mencabar nih :D

faerni said...

oh, i amik M.Ed. My headmaster duk gesa2 suh further because kementerian akan timbang kenaikan pangkat lebih awal for those yg ada degree. U know laa, gred 41 bersepah2.......