Saturday, March 6, 2010

I am happy!!!!

Despite all the ups and downs, hiccups, etc that I'm having now...... i'm glad that i am surrounded by a bunch of great people. I always complained that i don't have enough time. Dengan kerja lagi, belajar, rumah tangga, kids..... Hepp!! Untill now also i don't have the answer why i continue study!!! Biasalah, bila semuanya segala tak jadi, ponteng kelas a few times, study pun study jugak, semua last minute be it assingment and all i manage to score. Dean list lagi. Huhuhu... what a surprise!!!

Huh, tak sabar lagi one week for the school holidays. I really missed my parents. Nak balik kampung.......

Oooopss, today is my sis's birthday and last two day was my mom!!! Happy birthday to both of you!!!

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