Monday, March 2, 2009

I've been tagged!


-Go to your photos folder in your computer.

-Go to the 6th folder of photos.

-Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

-Put the picture on your blog and description of it.

-Invite six friends to join the challenge.

-Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

I've changed a lil' bit since my folder is everywhere cam rubbish. And i have like tonne of photos. I took 6th pic in my phone lah. And the winner is..........

The photo was taken at Fella Design Warehouse sale where mummy and son are happily loafing around the building searching up and low what we can buy at the sales. In fact sempat day dreaming lagi. Kalau umah macam ni macam tu pakai sofa itu pakai sofa ini susun atur itu dan ini. Memang best lah! And know what, siap ada sofa set untuk bebudak lagi. Itu kalau mak terlebih kaya mak belilah satu set kan. Tak percaya? Tengok nih!

It comes with set. 1+2+3. Cool eh! Just nice to fit Firdaus in it! Wah, ahkak dah lari tajuk! By the way, ahkak tatau nak tag sapa maklumlah blog ni picisan je. Bukan blog terhebat. Sapa-sapa nak buat dipersilakan. Lagi best kalo boleh tag chedet. Ada chedet peduli?

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