Monday, December 17, 2007

Outing with Tihani...

It was sooo boring. Actually we were heading to a tyre workshop when my hubby told me that the tyre can't be fixed. Then, we headed to Carrefour. Ask my girl what to eat. Don't ask her, ok! She only wants chicken... chicken... chicken. KFC to be exact! Forget about tyre thingy. I think we eat KFC almost every week.

Makan KFC sampai mata naik stim...


Off to Carrefour so that i can buy few stuff and walk around. I bought sushi..... Lamanya tak makan sushi. I like sushi with ebiko topping, chicken floss topping and today i tried sushi with unagi filling... hohoho.... Makan sushi belut... Jangan tak caya....

Top: Ebiko, Below-right: Unagi, Below-left: Chicken Floss

Balik rumah terus belasah sushi tak sempat pakai baju

I had sushi for lunch. Two thumbs up. Sedap. Should eat more sushi. The main ingredients of sushi, raw fish and rice are naturally low in fat (with the exception of some rolls and western style rolls), high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This is a start for a good diet. *wink*

Believe me.... I'll try my best to be on diet. Now, i start with drinking milk for breakfast. Sometimes, i don't eat b/fast because i wake up late in the morning. Taking a small portion of rice for lunch and dinner and drink another cup of milk before sleep. One thing i can't stand is to drink plain water. How ah? I need to drink at least 2L of water everyday but it seems so hard.

Takpe-takpe tunggu HL aku sampai... HOHOHO.... Dianne...... aku order HL. Jangan tak caya. That answered why i'm broke now... Long, aku nak pinjam penimbang ko nanti. Ahaks....

I knew about HL but it doesn't impressed me much. After DD introduced me about this girl, i start to read her stories. I even read every single of her entries. And, yes! I bought HL from her. Thankssssss a lot, Leed. Muahhhhhhhh.................

Berkobar-kobar punya pasal nak berdiet.. See how long it will last. Me selalu hangat2 tahi ayam je. Esok pulak nak balik kampung for raya. Dugaan betoi laaa....


Anonymous said...

ko beli jamu mak dara jer...kawan aku makan, berat badan die turun la...but it's not pil diet actually...pil kesihatan...

Anonymous said...

ern..aku tgk ko slim jek...?

anyway..KFC mmg idamanku selalu..huhuhu..

Anonymous said...

i tried HL thingy before.

but ..

i cannot telan. dah macam2 posisi menelan aku cuba, semua buat aku nak muntah. *akukantakminumsusu..

But then, kawan aku rilek je telan HL.

All the best with ur diet plan ern!

Anonymous said...

wow.. ern nanti update ok on the progression. +ve ke -ve ke.. teringin nak slim jugak.
