Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 2 in Saigon part #1!!!

1st day dah booking through hotel nak pi Chu Chi Tunnel for half day visit. Haruslah melawat terowong persembunyian Vietkong ketika perang Vietnam-Amerika dulu, kan! So, the trip costs USD 9 (USD 5 -tour, USD 4 -entrance fee) per person. It took us almost 2 hours from Ben Thanh Ward to Chu Chi area. I guess not because it was far but more to slow drive. Hmmm, let's the pics do the talking!!

Our tour guide tengah bagi explanation on Chu Chi Tunnel and a brief history of Vietnam War..

Dalam bas on the way to Chu Chi area. Throughout the journey Firdaus adalah sangat serabut, ok!! Pening kepala aku. That's why laaa aku no mood nak bergambar...

Tayangan video and peta Chu Chi Tunnel sepanjang 200km (dari KL dah sampai Ipoh..) and 10m below ground...

Firdaus tak reti duk diam.......

This area is a non smoking area. You have to follow the trail because i guess ada lagi kesan-kesan tinggalan kat area-area yang diorang tak kasi lalu. Itu ada link dengan exhibition yang kitorang tengok di War Remnant Museum.

Bila banyak tanya banyaklah jawabnya.........

Ada lebih kurang 100 lubang persembunyian ni. The size just fit for the Vietnamese..

One of the V army tengah demo!

Fad try nak masuk lubang tuh. Nasib baik muat. Feeling Vietkong ehh??? Tuh dah habis tarik nafas kempis kan perut dah tu!!!!!

Dalam terowong cuma boleh merangkak. Sempit gila.. If you watched MAS travellers #HCM City u know what i mean!!!

Sempat try shooting AK47. Hingar bingar bunyi senapang. Cam bebetul perang lak!!!

Photo taken with the exhibits... Banyak lagi benda-benda pameran macam bom-bom, war tank etc...

Over all, the Vietkong memang genius habis boleh fikirkan untuk built this tunnel. Dalam tunnel tuh complete with meeting room, kitchen, library and all macam sebuah rumah deep under the ground. No wonder they won against the US army...

That's all our half day tour on the second day. Next, another shopping entry on day 2. Tunggu!!!

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