Sunday, March 7, 2010

The day when i saw......

My house under renovation. All messed up. Semua barang-barang all over the place. Nak breathing pun susah. Dengan ada dua orang budak kecik dalam rumah ni lagi aku pening kepala. Kain baju bertimbun-timbun tak basuh lagi, tak lipat lagi, pinggan mangkuk berhabuk-habuk, berterabur, kitchen cabinet lum siap lagi. Heh, try to figure out how to fix the hose pipe for the washing machine machine, i really don't know!!! Habis air memancut-mancut keluar. At the end, give up!!!!

Nak cari roller blind for the kitchen. Luas mata memandang pulak arah keluar. Lupa pulak nak cerita, a few weeks back, i saw orang...... errrr orang lah!!!! My hubby said it was ghosts!!! It started with my boy cried sharp at 12 midnight for a couple of days. Crying like mad you know!!! Then my neighbour on the right said that they heard people screaming for help after midnight. She asked me the next day whether i heard it, too!!! Nope. I sleep like a lazy cow. Too, tired. Then, my neighbour on the left told my hubby that his daughter point at something near the water tank at night when both of them figure out it was something like ghost in white flew away from the scene.

Back to my story, Aus cried out loud for sometimes then i went down nak buat susu for him. Rasa cam dalam pukul 4 lebih pagi. Dengar macam bunyi orang bercakap-cakap so i selak langsir nampak a group of people 6 or 7 orang kat luar tengah lalu all perempuan wearing jubah hitam tudung hitam and the face also all black. Aku wonder lah apasal diorang nih jalan tengah-tangah pagi cam takde orang lain and aku pandang they all pun pandang kat aku. Aku pi kejut laki aku cakap ada orang jalan kat luar. Si Fad nih leh buat tak tau. Bila aku selak langsir lagi sekali all gone.

Esok paginya aku cakap kat Fad dia cam blur-blur je. Heh, aku takde lah pulak rasa takut ke apa. Aku cuma terfikir itu orang ke apa????


mya said...

errrr.. scary la erni! i rasa itu bukan orang! hu hu

cik orenlili said...

mak aih kak. scary nye dgr.

faerni said...

haha... until now i dare not to peep out of the window at night!!!