Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Educating the nations!

Aku muntah banyak kali hari ni kat sekolah. No, don't get me wrong. I'm not pregnant. I think the weather is too hot. It makes me dizzy and migraine. Maybe i just think too hard. Pening weih! Huhuhu.... I gave them notes to copy down. I felt guilty too. Macam Cikgu Saari dalam masam-masam manis pulak. I was smiling reading on Ayeen's. And doncorleone too about teachers politics. Yeah, teachers are too busy to care about Malaysia politics!


Yours truly said...

heheh ntah apa2 nak suruh cikgu join politik..kang ngajar ke mana..students terbengkalai macam tue jer...huhuhuhu dahla kerja pun byk kan? hehe

faerni said...

hahaha.... they think teachers have nothing else better to do! "Cikgu gred A dibenarkan berpolitik." The hell is guru gred A pun i tatau apa ke bendanya? Guru pun ada gred2 ke?